Question: k-reverse of linklist where k>0. This means that you should reverse block of k nodes in a list.
i/p: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
For k=2: 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9
For k=3: 3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7 10
For k=4: 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 9 10
This is nothing but an extension of swapping nodes in a linklist. But in my opinion, it's a slightly easier problem than that. One can also use this solution for swapping nodes in a list.
1) check if remaining list has k nodes.
if yes get the pointer of (k+1)th node.
else return.
2) reverse first k nodes.
3) set next of last node (after reversal) to (k+1)th node.
4) move to (k+1)th node.
5) Go to step 1.
struct list* GetNthNode(int n, struct list* head) { if(!head) return head; struct list* Nth; int i; //Notice the loop body (empty) for (i=0, Nth=head; Nth && (i < nth="Nth-">next); if(i==n && Nth!=NULL) return Nth; return head->next; } bool isNnodes(struct list* head, int n) { int i; //Notice the loop body (empty) for (i=0 ; head && (i < head="head-">next); if(i == n) return true; return false; } void reverseN(struct list** list1, int n) { if (n==0 || n==1) return; struct list *cur, *tmp, *next; int i; cur = *list1; if(!isNnodes(*list1,n)) return; *list1 = GetNthNode(n-1,*list1); while(cur && isNnodes(cur, n)) { //take care on below step tmp = GetNthNode(n, GetNthNode(n-1, cur)); i=0; while(inext; cur->next=tmp; tmp = cur; cur = next; i++; } } }
PS: Later, I noticed that code can be much shorter than given above and I am leaving that exercise to the readers.
Important: As said many times; it's always better to design a generalized algorithm rather than designing one for a specific case. Since this problem is solving that swap nodes problem, it's beter to design this kind of algorithm so that if in near future some needs arise, you can reuse the code.
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How about this:
Create a stack
start from the head.
Remove K element from List head and push them to Stack
Add element to NewList by poping from Stack
replace head pointer with NewList head
The solution Rahul suggested is a good way - except that it will require a new O(k) stack.
It doesn't need create a new stack, just update the original list in-place.