Question: Given a Node of a binary tree, find it's InOrder Successor.
BST * BST_successor(BST * node)
// If right-sub-tree exists, return the min of
//right-sub-tree, or say the leftest node.
if(node -> right)
return BST_min(node -> right);
// else, keep moving upwards, as long as the
// node is the right child of its parent
BST * p = node -> parent;
while(p && p -> right == node)
node = p;
p = node -> parent;
return p;
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Isn't it that we move upward until the current node left child? Whenever we found that we are at right sub-tree we are sure that the node is larger than all those in left sub-tree we climbed up. So, we return this node. It looks like the code to be,
BST * pSucc = node -> parent;
while(pSucc && pSucc->left == node)
node = pSucc;
pSucc = node -> parent;
return pSucc;